Kanciasta piłka. Lech Poznań na Malcie ...ale której ?
Wszystko się zgadza jak w tym dowcipie z Radia Erewań 'Podajemy komunikat, w Moskwie na Placu Czerwonym rozdają Mercedesy klasy S'. Futboliści z Lecha Poznań mieli przybyć na Skałę by trenować, teraz zimą. Tyle że na Malcie też zima i zimno więc nasze kluby wolą Turcję.
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właśnie – tam może Lech trenuje , to i blisko i mówią po
swojemu - Tej ? ...nie rozdają a kradną i nie Mercedesy a rowery !
By Johnathan Cilia
January 3, 2020 at 6:25 pm
A Polish football team has expressed surprise that the Malta Football Association announced it would be flying to Malta for a training camp when it isn’t.
About two weeks ago, the MFA announced that Lech Poznan would be joining 16 other international teams headed to Malta for their winter training camps.
Lech Poznan, who came 8th in last year’s season of the Ekstraklasa, the nation’s highest division, would have been making Malta their home as they trained throughout the colder months.
However, Lech Poznan spokesman Maciej Henszel said that “this was the first I am hearing about” his own team’s trip to the island when speaking to the Polish press.
MFA SportsPlus Ltd had announced the teams were set to come to Malta in a press conference in December.
The official MFA website names Club Brugge, Augsburg, Honved Budapest, Lech Poznan, Banik Ostrava, Mlada Boleslav, FC Zbrojovka Brno, Dunaksja Streda, Austria Vienna, Stabaek, PSC Academy MLS, Ukraine U21, the Liechtenstein National Team and Lech Poznan as the visiting men’s clubs.
In a report on Polish media site Wyborcza, Angelo Chetcuti, the secretary-general of the MFA, was quoted as saying that Malta had managed to attract so many great teams because it guaranteed excellent training conditions.
However, in the very next line, the report made reference to the bad weather in Malta, with the fact that it is “nine degrees and pouring” in Malta in December and January.
Henszel, the spokesman, went on to say that his team would “definitely” be flying to Belek, Turkey for a training camp, and will train there “for years to come”.
Indeed, he goes on to say that he had checked with the CEOs of his team, and they said Malta was “never considered and it was complete nonsense”.
At the time of the announcement, Jason Micallef, the Chairman of MFA SportsPlus Limited, said that: “the goal is to consolidate the work and results attained so far while also expanding the company’s operations by exploring new opportunities and market, also extending to other sports.”
Star striker Robert Lewandowski used to play with the Lech Poznan between 2008 – 2010, before moving to Dortmund.
What do you think of this clarification from the Lech Poznan administration?
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