Malta Firmowy Raj Podatkowy

Polacy pracują na Malcie ciężko i z sukcesami nie zawsze sami ;- )
w wielu dużych firmach są Polacy i Polki na froncie
Hotel IBB - Maccina w Senglea Daria Ratajczak
AquaBio Tech Weronika Wilk
i też firmy zakładają , korzystając z "kożystnego reżimu podatkowwgo przyjaznego firmom" ....pracownikow liniowym już mniej
.... i ci wszyscy luminarze bizesu padają jak domki z kart po włączeniu wentylatorka Covid 19

"To the supermarket fat-cats: get off your plush leather cushions. Just imagine, one of your staff members gets sick because a customer, who would have other wise ordered his shopping online, was forced to enter your store, was unwittingly carrying the virus alongside his Euros that you so desperately want, and unwillingly transmitted it to the woman working behind the cheese counter, while purchasing his Ġobon tal-Ħakk. Well then, you’ve got a fucking problem. It won’t be your client’s fault, it will be yours." 

"It is unbecoming to hear these haughty hoteliers bitch and moan that no tourists are coming to stay at their hapless hotels. It was pretty evident that was going to happen once the virus spread, and the fact that you were caught with your pants around your ankles (like many other luminary business leaders) goes to show what a bunch of wank stains you really are. We see you using your employees as bargaining chips – don’t. They have been having financial issues far longer than you, and we know that most of your cash flow problems stem from the fact that you are midway through building those additional three floors J.M. gifted you. Oh, also the berthing fees for your power boat – it must be hard, I wonder if you’re getting a discount on that during these hard times. Vultures.


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