Go bek tu yur kantry - życie emigranta

Integracja w nowym miejscu nie zawsze przebiega sprawnie i bezboleśnie. Nowe środowisko, obcy język oraz mentalność mogą być barierą nie do przejścia.
Można uzbroić się w gruby pancerz ale i tu pęka ….
Czas pandemii to okazało się czas nasilenia ataków ksenofobii, rasizmu i agresji wobec nie naszych. Oprócz COVID19 Malta jest bezustannie wstrząsana skandalami rządu Labour i obcokrajowcy są oskarażani o mieszanie się w ICH lokalesów sprawy o których nie mamy pojęcia (polityka, kumoterstwo, polowania, lenistwo itp.)

W artykule TOM z 25.06.2020 jest też Polka -

Justyna Majcher and her son will return to Poland next week. She says she’s been told to ‘go back to her country’ more than 100 times in the past decade. Right: Karin Perez Deldgado’s backyard at her new home in Germany.
Justyna Majcher and her son will return to Poland next week. She says she’s been told to ‘go back to her country’ more than 100 times in the past decade. Right: Karin Perez Deldgado’s backyard at her new home in Germany.”

According to Buttaro (2004), culture shock has four phases, namely the honeymoon phase, the frustration phase, the adjustment phase, and the acceptance phase.

Consequently, cultural differences can be resolved with cultural intelligence as learners can be flexible enough to understand, listen, analyse, reflect and adapt to the host country culture in addition to unlearning and challenging their own cultural beliefs and practices.

It was in one of Jeremy Boissevain’s books that I first read about a phenomenon that my foreign friends have often spoken about: the Maltese don’t ask questions. We are trained from a very young age to be passive. Anyone with a natural inclination to ask questions is put in their place time and time again till the itch is squashed out of them.




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